The Menstruation Equity Task Force strives to reduce/eliminate period poverty on the UC Irvine campus by increasing access to resources, educating the community on current equity efforts, and evaluating progress to recommend changes.
Task Force Chairperson:
Task Force Members:
- Basic Needs Center, Student Center Facilities
- UCI Facilities Management
- Student Wellness and Health Promotion
- Student Affairs OIT
- Housing
Fall 2021 – Summer 2022
- Launched a survey to assess the current efforts and access to menstrual products that yielded 1,074 responses
- Hosted annual Tamp-Into Reusables Workshop educating on sustainable menstruation products.
- Presented survey results and initiative progress to campus stake holders
- Created Menstruation Equity Task Force led by Womxn’s Center for Success Assistant Director, Erika Cortez to continue efforts towards menstrual equity Campus stakeholders include, Basic Needs Center, Student Center Facilities, UCI Facilities Management, Student Wellness and Health Promotion, Student Affairs OIT, and Housing.

Fall 2022 – Winter 2023
- Womxn’s Center Staff met with Facilities Management to discuss best practices for filling out of stock products
- Created a digital interactive menstruation product map with the collaboration of the Master of Science in Software Engineering graduate student capstone class
- Student Housing has committed to incorporating a free dispenser for a pilot program in upcoming budget
- Facilities Management and Student Center Facilities explored switching to organic cotton products
- Created “Menstrual Wellness” workshop with Womxn’s Center & Basic Needs Center to outreach on current efforts, free products locations, and importance of ending period poverty

Menstrual Wellness Workshop
Menstrual Wellness (Staff and Faculty only) (60 minutes)- This workshop educates folx on period poverty, ways UCI is working towards menstruation equity, and actionable steps for you to dismantle period poverty. This is in collaboration with the UCI Basic Needs Center.
Menstruation Products Map
Winter 2023 – Summer 2024
- Womxn’s Center for Success presents a proof of product for the interactive menstrual product map to UCI OIT to adopt and assist with project and the upkeep.
- Womxn’s Center for Success conducted Tamp-Into Reusable Workshop and gave out reusable products.
- Womxn’s Center for Success celebrated their first Menstrual Hygiene Day on May 28th
- WCS received a large donation of cups from Saalt
- The Student Center inserted Organic Products in their dispensers after “out of stock” products came back into stock
- Housing to insert additional dispensers in Housing buildings after a great pilot program outcome!